Osteoporosis diagnosis and therapy!
As a specialist medical institute, we have been dealing exclusively with the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis since 1994. At that time, osteoporosis only began to emerge as an independent and treatable clinical picture in the consciousness of the health authorities and the public. The WHO (World Health Organization of the UN) has included osteoporosis in the list of the 10 most important diseases worldwide and declared the first decade of the 3rd millennium to be the “Decade of Joint and Bone”.

Competence through experience and modern technology:
We use the most modern diagnostics, until 2005 with the help of imaging, high-resolution computed tomography and since October 2005 as the first institute in Germany, the virtual bone biopsy in vivo (i.e. without intervention) with the help of the so-called Xtreme-CT, which is routinely three-dimensional and very high for the first time Resolution can make the fine bone structure visible and, in addition to the different bone densities, can also create a quantitative bone structure analysis.
This means that for the first time we can even determine the number of trabeculae, their thickness and distribution
measure, which opens up a completely new dimension in diagnostics. Worldwide only 12 devices had been delivered to the most important osteoporosis centers by the end of 2005 and we are very proud to belong to this elite!
After the death of Dr. Radspielers, by Prof. Dr. med. Dietmar Daichendt continued.
Please use our new brochure: “Beyond bone density…” to find out more about the new, groundbreaking possibilities for diagnosing osteoporosis.
Bone density was yesterday, bone structure analysis is today. The future has already begun with us!
Since 1994 we have examined, advised and treated thousands of patients, worked on international, scientific studies and carried out our own studies on the topic of osteoporosis – always with the aim of ensuring optimal care for our patients, which include women and men of all ages.